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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search won´t show stock

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)
  • Gerardo Verduzco

    will have some news?

    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hello Ross thank you for your honesty, the reason Im so insistent is because my boss is on me about this, he wants this solved as soon as possible, we thought the plug in would solve our issues, but as you know we didn’t think the variations would be such a big trouble, I really need to give him a quote and delivery time fast, so with full honesty please tell me if you aren’t gonna be able to do this in the next week and Ill try to look for another solution, because other wise my boss won’t stop with this, please consider as well how much it would cost to put our project as a priority and we´ll see if my boss is willing to pay for that,

    thanks again for your time support,

    hope to hear soon from you,

    kind regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    Just too much backlog here – I could complete this by the end of next week.. if this is still feasible for you I will put together a price.

    Thanks, and sorry it took so long to get back – I’m normally very keen to do these projects because it helps me develop the plugin further.


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hey Ross, thanks for your answer,

    as I mentioned my boss is pushing me a lot with this project, so I am also looking elsewhere someone that could develop a script for us, obviously my first choice is you because I would rather have you working in our existing plug in.

    Please send me a quote as soon as possible so I can present it to my boss and we can start right away.

    I also would like to make a conference with you and my IT Manager so he can explain better all our needs and leave no place for mistakes or misunderstandings,

    here is the email where you can send the quote,


    thanks and kind regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    I’ve just sent an email to the above address as well as your registered email for these forums.


Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)

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