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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search won´t show stock

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 36 total)
  • Gerardo Verduzco

    Hey Ross, thanks for your reply, I didnt mean to sound pushy..

    I get what you say, the problem is that most of our products have color variations, and separate stocks,
    do you think there´s a way of modifying the code so it could work this way? if there is something you think you can develop, please condider we are willing to pay for your time and work..

    thanks again,


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hey Ross, good day, just wondering if you have any news?

    thanks and kind regards

    Ross Moderator

    I’m literally looking at this right now – figuring out how the product variations work

    Gerardo Verduzco

    perfect, thank you very much…

    Ross Moderator

    Still need to look at this a bit more – will have to pick up tomorrow.


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Sure no problem, we´ll be in touch,

    thanks again, regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    Its looking increasingly like this is not possible out of the box.

    Is it possible for you to change this option:


    so “Enable stock management at product level” is ticked? I think this would allow what you need but it may not be suitable.

    I’ve been trying to at least figure out a solution theoretically so I can at tell you how long it would take me to do but not quite there yet… Looks like it will be quite a bit of custom code.


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hey Ross thanks for your time…

    Something is different in our wp page, as we tick the manage stock box, it only gives the option to introduce a stock quantity, it is not limited to “in stock” or “out of stock” like your screen shows, we thought it could be because we have older versions, but we updated wordpress and woocommerce and still no change…

    i attach and image of how it is…

    also if you think you could develop this custom made please let me know how much it would cost and how long would it take, so we can consider it as an option,

    thanks, kind regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    It may be that I’m using an older plugin.

    Let me look in to this today and I’ll get back to you with a cost.


    Gerardo Verduzco

    ok perfect, thank you very much,

    we´ll be in touch

    kind regards

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 36 total)

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