Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search with Elementor posts widget breaks up posts

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  • Anonymous

    My posts break up after I search. Their height is distorted and can never be restored unless I refresh the page. You may try different combinations of search and try and reset the search by selecting all categories again to see what happens.
    This is the url where it happens.
    Please help me fix this to look professional. I am using elementor pro posts widget with search and filter pro.
    thank you


    Are you using the method described here:

    We have just addressed some issues with this method, so the change is not in that documentation. See this post for details:


    Yes i am using the method described.
    How is pagination related to the dimensions of the result boxes?
    I merely need them to remain fixed in dimensions both height and width.
    When you visit the link and select categories to uncategorized and then all categories, see how the result boxes change shape?


    Elementor use javascript to work out heights, and needs to do so each time the results are updated. Whilst that posts relates to pagination, the javascript I posted (different from our documentation) is what does the re-calculation of heights.


    Hi Trevor
    I have been trying for an hour to paste this function to functions.php of my oceanwp theme but will not work.
    Can you please help?

    Also another question; in your instructions of setup you mention that no matter what I do there should always be results in my elementor posts widget with search&filter pro combo or else I will get an error. I do not see an error actually. It just returns an empty page. Is that okay?

    Thank you


    The javascript code? That doesn’t go in functions.php. Use a plugin like Simple Custom CSS & JS to add it to your theme.


    perfect fixed! Now they are consistent! great work and super fast response!

    I want to ask about the no results case. should I start a new ticket?


    No results is handled by Elementor. Does your search have a text search box?


    yes it does at the top left


    In that case there is nothing in our plugin that can help you you handle ‘No results’. You need to explore how Elementor handles it when the grid has no posts to display.

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