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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search with 2 drop-down lists for Categories and Subcategories?


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  • Paul Atkinson

    I’m sure this MUST be able to be done but I just can’t work out how.
    I have created categories and subcategories for my posts.
    Some posts belong to multiple categories so I am wanting to be able to search by Category and have this refine the search of subcategories from a second drop-down list.
    What am I missing here?

    Trevor Moderator

    Rather than having lots of Parents and Children, make custom taxonomies for them, using a plugin like Custom Post Type UI (it is free and very good).

    You simply go to make a new taxonomy and assign it to the post type. Let us say you have a site for cars. You might make a custom taxonomy (one each) for:


    How you then go about using these depends on how many posts you have in place. I can advise you best if you can work out what custom taxonomies you need (following my guidance) and how many terms would be in each, and how many posts.

    Paul Atkinson

    Hi Trevor,
    Thanks for the reply mate. I have already tried Custom Post Type UI lol. Great plugin but doesn’t help with what I am needing.
    To give you an example…

    Company 1 produces products for:
    Food and Drink –> Dairy

    Company 2 produces products for:
    Food and Drink –> Orange Juice

    Company 2 produces products for:
    Food and Drink –> Dairy Alternatives

    Company 4 produces products for:
    Automotive –> Car Care

    I have tried using taxonomies but it won’t narrow the search as I need.
    So if I search for Food and Drink, it would narrow it to Companies 1,2 and 3
    But then if I want to narrow that search to only show Orange Juice it doesn’t filter it as such.

    Maybe I’m missing something?

    Paul Atkinson

    That should have been
    Company 1
    Company 2
    Company 3
    Company 4


    Paul Atkinson

    To make that even more complex…
    Company 4 actually has products for:
    Automotive –> Car Care
    Footwear –> UGG Boots
    Homewares –> Rugs

    This company just shows up on everything and won’t filter because it’s in multiple main categories.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Paul Atkinson

    A computer is not an issue… even has 3 screens lol. I guess I can set up skype (never used it) but I don’t have a microphone at all.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Paul Atkinson

    Australia mate. Just after midnight here now so I’ll head down and grab a headset in the morning and try tomorrow 😉

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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