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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search results page using category dropdown option

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Dominic Wint

    Hi Ross

    This plugin could potentially save my life, but I have one small problem with some of the results.

    My site has a directory of useful information called PCAN (that’s the name of the charity) Pages. So ‘PCAN Pages’ is a parent category (7) of about 60-70 other categories. I’m using S&F Pro to allow visitors to search specifically within PCAN Pages.

    In the UI I’m using a Search box and a Category (dropdown). The results should be styled so they go Sidebar/Content, with a neat border to the right of the sidebar and the featured images small and square, with an indented heading against them.

    If I search using the Search box alone (say a search for ‘sensory’), I get something like this:
    Which is how it should look.

    However, if I leave the Search box empty and choose a category, the results I get are correct, but they are styled wrong (in fact they aren’t really styled at all), like this (‘ADHD’) result:

    I have a rule in functions.php that’s forcing that sidebar/content layout on ‘is_category(7)’ or ‘is_search’. I’m guessing it’s something to do with this that would fix the issue. Do you have any ideas.

    Thanks in advance

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    Sorry for the generic message – I got locked out and blacklisted by my host for this website!! – so been unable to login and reply to tickets – playing catchup now – will be systematically working through tickets today.


    Dominic Wint

    Hi Ross

    Don’t mean to mither you, but did you have any joy looking into this?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dominic no worries at all and apologies this seems to have slipped through the net!

    I’m playing catchup now from the Christmas break but hope to have a look and update this week.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dominic

    So what you are saying is that when you enter a search term then it displays the correct format of results, however without it does not?

    The latest version (1.4.0) has a setting in the advanced tab called “force is_search to be true” – I think this may help you?


    Dominic Wint

    Thanks Ross

    I’m such a dunce. I had the lite version installed and then installed the Pro version and didn’t activate it! Sorry to have wasted your time. That latest version looks like it will solve the problem, but I’ll let you know if not.

    The idiots you have to deal with, eh?!


    Ross Moderator

    Hahaha! We’ve all made those kinds of mistakes 😉

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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