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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search results page not displaying properly

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Art Munson

    Hi Trevor,

    For some reason my search results page is not displaying properly. You can see here: This happened after I used WP All Import Pro to update a custom field. I am using a modified results.php template part that you created for me and is in my child theme.

    I have also used the code you recommended here:

    I re-built the cache and tried anything else I can think of but can’t seem to figure this out.

    The home page of the site, where I am using the Content Views plugin, is displaying and functioning properly.

    I set you up as a user before on the site previously if you still have those credentials.

    Any help is most appreciated.

    Thank you.


    Art Munson

    Never mind Trevor I found the problem. One missing > munged the display. Argh…

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know, Art. I will close this thread for now.

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