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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search results not reading the correct format

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 26 total)
  • Karim Medhat

    Can’t we used another file like the search.php file. like an old one customized for the plugin. ?
    because the search.php still the same after the theme upgraded, you can check in the main search of the home page. and in the plugin we select the search.php page.

    Trevor Moderator

    It is not the search.php file that is the issue. It is somewhere else in the theme that has changed, but I do not know where. You could ask the theme author if they could tell you. They may be able to tell you which file needs to be edited.

    Karim Medhat

    i sent details to the theme support and waiting for their reply, will update you.


    Trevor Moderator

    OK. I will wait to hear from you.

    Karim Medhat
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    Karim Medhat
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    Karim Medhat
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Karim Medhat
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Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 26 total)

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