Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search results is a separate page… but it's not… argh!

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  • Anonymous

    Hi again! Thought I was nearly done setting up my search but am running into a baffling snag. I have search results appearing via a PHP template (a duplicated version of my existing “search.php” named “search-results-advanced.php”, to which I’ve only added a link back to the search form).

    I just need to make a small CSS tweak on the results pages. BUT…

    The URL of the results screens is the same as the search form and when I ‘view source’ I only see the search form, not the html for the results! ???

    Additionally, I’m using the page body style to target my CSS tweak, but even though it is the same on the search form and results pages, my tweak isn’t working.

    I’ve checked the documentation (including what appears to be the brand-new rewrite for 1.3 – looks great!) but no mention of how to customize results… as far as I can tell.

    Hope you can help. Things are at least working now, but this little detail is about to drive me batty. Thanks!

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