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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search results for custom field not working & using ajax shows results too soon

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  • ricov


    I used the free version and that seemed to work great so I purchased the pro version to be able to use the custom fields feature, however, I am encountering a few issues:

    1) The search results for the date picker are not displaying correctly. I don’t know why I get taken to a random page w/i my site.

    2) When I use the ajax feature, my page always starts off with unstyled results even though I haven’t done a search yet.

    I should be able to provide you with a login to view if needed.

    Many thanks in advance!


    I was able to get ajax results loading in the correct place and with the correct style, but I am still getting incorrect search results. It looks like it is just displaying every single post in the database. Would it be possible to get assistance with this some time soon?

    Thanks again!

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    Ross Moderator

    Sure send over! ready when you are 🙂


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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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