Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search results displaying above original results

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  • Anonymous

    I’m using a shortcode to display my search results.

    I and echoing [searchandfilter id=””] and [searchandfilter id=”” show=”results”] in a template file.
    When I load the page results are shown in the table and when I type in the search box (using ajax) then the search results load above the original results from the first page load – and with different css (the table is out of sync).
    Why are the original first page results loading and why is the css different?

    the page is in hebrew.
    you can search using the term אריה to see what I mean.


    For me, the results stay in the correct place?


    why do the search results load on the top and under them the original results from the initial page load? Shouldn’t it just show the search results? Are you seeing all the results with the same css for the table?

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    Looking at the results.php code, if you have this in a code editor, lines 52-54 look like this:


    That </div> does not have a starting <div> to correspond to it?

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    Hi Rena

    If you revert to using a ‘standard’ results.php (either with pagination or with infinite scroll version) template, does it all work OK? Or does it still have this issue?

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    I assume the <table></table> are outside the while loop?

    In which case, the starting <div> and end </div> should not be there, as they would break a table.

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