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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search results are not according to the option selected, displays all results

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  • Bastian Schulz
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Bastian Schulz
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    Trevor Moderator

    Can you look now? I *think* that because you had posts and pages in the search, and the results page was therefore included in the search, an infinite loop is made??? Maybe. I have change search #47 to be posts only.

    Bastian Schulz
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Bastian Schulz
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Bastian

    I am struggling to find all the possible errors in the setup and chase them all down. You have a price field on the posts, which in ACF is set as a text field, but you have a range (number) slider based on it?

    The number slider shows an upper range of 10000 but I get a warning to say that 1000 is the maximum?

    One of the forms still had pages included in the search. They appear to have force is_search and force is_archives ON in the advanced setup. Some have AND as the selector and at least one has OR. Some or all have Maintain Search Form State ON.

    Bastian Schulz
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    OK 🙂

    How is your spoken English? We could do this quickly using Skype and share screens? It would have to be tomorrow.

    Bastian Schulz
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Ok, I have fixed it all for the first form (Fitnessprogramm). A default search for ALL on each select still only had 3 results. It should have 7. This is because four products have no price. I have renamed the products and their slugs to make debugging easy. I changed the price slider to auto detect the range. You had this at 0-1000, but the true range (of 3 that have a price) is 250-2000. This would have caused product 32 to be missing from the search, as it is priced at 2000. With the fixed price slider ….

    Products 31, 32 and 34 have a price and show on the ALL (default) search:

    See how a default search still has the price slider range?

    Products 19, 22, 24 and 26 have no price and so are missing from the results. If you edit the search url to exclude the price slider range:

    All 7 now show.

    So you can see the effect of manually setting a price slider range versus auto, and also the effect of having a price slider when not all products have a price.

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