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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search result not showing meta data

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    When I try to filter my search results, I was able to see results correctly but it only shows title and excerpt. In my search form that use my own search form coding, I was able to see search result that has title, excerpt, city, state, post date.

    My search result display template is search.php. I have entered this in Search Filter setting.

    p.s. I have put code in content.php and content-search.php so that search results will show city, state, etc.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Jennifer

    Are you sure its loading your customised template? Have you tried adding in some plain text at the top and checked if this is appearing in your search results?

    It may be that S&F hasn’t found the template.

    Also, if you are using a child theme, please make sure the customised template is in there.


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