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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search result displays Featured Image AND shortcode image

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Charley C

    Hi Ross,

    We are applying your Search & Filter to pages (not posts).

    We need each page to display a photo of a location. We do this by using image shortcode in the text editor of the page.

    However, the search results of the Search & Filter plugin grabs this image as well in its actual size. Plus, it also displays a Featured Image in the result summary.

    The result is that TWO images appear in the results summary: the featured image that fits nicely in the results AND the shortcode image from the text editor that’s way too big and overlays the results.

    Can you suggest a change to the code so that the search result ignores any shortcode image in the text editor, and only uses the featured image?

    Thanks a million – this would be a big step to get this resolved for us. We can’t move ahead until this gets fixed.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Charley

    Are you using the new Ajax functionality? I need to do a quick writeup but you can create your own results templates in a couple of steps 🙂


    Charley C
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Charley sorry took so long to get back to you, had a long weekend and a lot of support requests.

    Just realised you left some comments on the other page, everything ok?

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