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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search page name in title bar

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  • Elly de Knikker


    How do I change the name the searchpage is having in the title bar? After hit search, the results appear on a page that is called ‘Blogs’. (website
    Is this the default of my theme? Can it be changed in S&F plugin? Where do i start finding the solution?
    By the way: there is no category, tag or taxonomy with the name Blogs, so I don’t know where this name comes from.

    Trevor Moderator

    It will be set by your theme, as you are using a theme PHP template file to render the results.

    This depends on the display results method that you are using (currently set to ‘As an Archive’). Other methods may well result in a different title.

    For example, this one would allow much nicer looking results layout as well:

    As you make an actual results page with that method, you get to decide the title.

    Elly de Knikker

    Thanks for replying, it took a while, but i found the way to change it.

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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