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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search not bringing all results back unless I sort them

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  • Vikki


    My search and filter is for properties. There are 71 properties for rent and 79 for sale. Search and filter is only showing 60 for rent and 68 for sale. Unless I sort the results – then it shoes me everything correctly. So strange. I’ve rebuilt the cache but makes no difference. Any ideas what could cause that?

    bad results –
    good results that have been sorted –


    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Vikki

    Unless our records are incorrect, your license for support and updates appears to have expired over a year ago. It would be necessary to renew the license to receive support. Note that if you DO update, it may take the server up to an hour to reflect this.


    Thanks Trevor – I have renewed my license.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Vikki

    It is a national holiday here today, but I will be here on and off. Did you upgrade to v2.3.3? You may need to do it manually, this post explains how if the auto update fails:


    Hi Trevor – Thanks for replying on a holiday. I’ve updated the plugin to v2.3.3 but it’s made no difference.

    I thought it could be a cache problem as I was using cloudflare so I’ve paused that but no difference. I’ve also tried creating a new search form, but no luck.


    Is there anything else I can try to fix this issue?

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    OK. It looks like it could be that one or more fields have null data in them, and need that data adding, probably the featured field. I will leave that for you to figure out and if you could get back to me re success or not? Great to speak with you.

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