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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search in Custom fields

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  • Cristina Morbidoni

    I’d like to can use custom field with AND condition and i know that is possibile and it’s easy but in my case i’ve N custom fields that has how source the same table.

    F.E. think to N Custom Fields realted to ingredients of pizza.
    Every custom field take have the same source of N list ingredients that owner insert on his product.
    Users reach the page and select them but obviously if i select , for the first field, an ingredient that i’ve inserted in an other field i receive no one result also if the ingredient has present in an other position.
    For this reason i’ve used the categries and not the custom fileds but, now, i’m curious to know and inderstand if is there a work aroudn to can use in this way.
    Thank You

    Trevor Moderator

    You want more than one form field using the one custom field in the posts?

    If so, that is not possible. You would need separate custom fields.

    e.g. One for Base
    One for crust filling
    One for size
    One for Toppings

    Cristina Morbidoni

    Yes i’ve done but if the for fileds have , how source. the same table ( for example A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H, ) if i insert A on first field – B in the second – C in the thirth and a user goes to search form and select C in the first filed i do not receive any result also if the product has inside the C .
    Inerting the oingredients can not be established by a rule and i can not know what could be the first ingredient that a user will go to search in site .

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Cristina Morbidoni

    Actually i do not have a page with that search form because i’m trying to understand how and if is possibile because i think that this kind of search is not “Normal” having N custom fileds that mus tbe joined not only form AND condition but also with a global search on all the custom fields of form.
    For this reason i’ve chosen tha checkbox and categories and not the dropdown with custom field

    Trevor Moderator

    I think, maybe, we are using terms and confusing each other. When I talk about a custom field, I mean a Post Meta field attached to a post or post type.

    I think maybe you mean a field in a form that is custom. A filter. I think what you want is a single custom field attached to a post type, with data terms in it, represented by more than one filter in the form, where there are rules/logic about linking these and how they work together. IF that is that you want, that is not possible.

    As I said, it would help if I could see, with a visualization, what you want to achieve.

    Cristina Morbidoni

    I was refering to a custom field of a post/product (in my case can be ingredients)
    Yes is that i need a single CF with possibility to inserto more time more info because i do not know how many ingredients can be in a product.
    I’ll try to to organize a viuualization for but actually i’ve an other problem for that i’m creating a ticket for you.
    Thank you

    Trevor Moderator

    Some custom fields can be allowed to have more than one value (multiple values). ACF allows this depending on the type of field (for example, checkbox allows this).

    Is this thread ready to be closed?

    Cristina Morbidoni

    Excuse me yes you can close.
    have you any news about plugin update?

    Trevor Moderator

    About V3, no, sorry.

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