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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search from custom meta boxes

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  • Pravash Karki

    Hello There!,

    I have used custom meta boxes in order to create a field in WordPress. I would like to filter my post based on the field created using meta boxes. When I tried to setup the filter, I was not able to find the registered field. Only the field created using ACF are visible as an options.

    So could you please help me to search post based on field created using custom metabox?


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Pravash Karki
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I can see what the issue is.

    For price you have set this to a meta key called meta_key but it should be ldscf_trip_price

    The problem is that the plugin you are using is not storing the meta data as separate keys, but as an array of many keys all inside a key called ldscf_options. This means our plugin cannot index that data, and therefore it cannot search it.

    You also have a second field labeled Departure Date with its meta key set to __defaults_set. Again this is the wrong key, but I cannot see any keys in the post data that would match to this. That means that the trips have no date data which can be searched at this time.

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