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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search form stopped working. Possibly cache issue?

Viewing 9 posts - 11 through 19 (of 19 total)
  • Moe Finigan
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Moe Finigan

    I apologize for having you debug my own mistake but I thank you very much. It is working.
    I was once at a WP talk and the speaker said try to avoid using -1 for Posts Per Page in case you have too large of a dataset. But that was a while ago, and i know my dataset is not large so thanks for the tip!
    Another question:
    If I want to add the poet_name to the search query when I click on that poet’s name, should I use that edit-query-arguments?

    Trevor Moderator

    I am not sure what you mean in that last question. Are you not adding the poet name to the form? Is the poet name stored in a Custom Field (post meta)?

    Moe Finigan

    When you’re looking at the list of titles in the results section, below each title is a poet name and a poem name that is clickable but right now doesn’t do anything. I would like to add that clicked custom field (i.e. Whitman, Walt) to the search query when clicked.

    I would want to programmatically trigger another search using the current search query arguments and adding the clicked query argument (Whitman, Walt).

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. So, I would be on a page that has the search form, and a list of posts. In those posts are the authors. You want to be able to click the author, and instead of going to the author page, you want to trigger the search and add that author?

    So, the author field would need to be in the form. Would you want to show it or hide it? If you want to hide it, use some custom CSS to do that, but, if you hide it, how does the user remove it from the search if they want to?

    The Author term would have to be a link that triggers some custom JavaScript to run.

    That would fetch the term from the link, set that in the form field, and then trigger a submit, using


    Moe Finigan

    Actually, The poet_name is a custom field that is already in the search form UI (Whitman, Walt is in that Poet drop-down list).
    I have written js code that can get the term (whitman, Walt). Can I set the search form field using js? I see php code to do that.

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, you should be able to set the field value using JavaScript. StackOverflow will likely have some examples of how to do that (not for our forms, but setting values generally).

    Moe Finigan

    Thanks! This can be marked as resolved. I appreciate the support!

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