Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search Form not displaying o result page when selecting Result Display Mode

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  • Anonymous


    in first place thanks for the great plugin!:-)
    I have a few questions regarding the set up of the result displaying mode.
    I have tried all displaying methods, but I’m still not satisfied in the way the results are showing up.
    The page where I’m testing the plugin is this:
    My template is Avada.

    1. If I select the Result Display mode “Use shortcode”, and define the results page and put the two shortcodes in this page, the search bar perfectly shows up on the results page, but I don’t like the way the results are showing up and don’t know how to influence the design. ( I tried to set the results page to portfolio layout, but nothing happens). Is there any possibility to influence the design in this Display mode?

    2. I’ve read in the documentation that the design of the result’s page can be influenced by using the “As an archive” method and select the option “use own template” and paste the xxxx.php name of the template of my theme, I want to use to display the results. I tried this method, but I can’t achieve to influence the design. I’ve read that using Avada template, a change in the code has to be made. I’ve searched for this part you were mentioning but couldn’t find it in the code. Could you tell me where exactly I have to look for it?

    3. When selecting the display results mode “Post type archive” the results are showing up in the way I would like them to show up (currently set up on my page), but the search bar to filter results further is missing on this page. Is there any way to include the search bar in the results page using the “Post archive” display mode? has this anything to do with the results container option?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards,



    I will take these in reverse order!

    3. Post type archive. In the theme, you have to place the search form using a widget area, by using the provided shortcode or search form widget. That assumes your theme gives you such a widget area. Failing that, you have have to manually edit the template.php for the page in question and add the shortcode using the wordPress do_shortcode function.
    2. As an archive is the more complex and does require you to understand where and how to edit the theme’s files. Not easy if you do not know how.
    1. As with 3, you still have to place the search shortcode on the page, but this method uses a template from within Search & Filter’s template folder, called results.php. You can copy this to your child theme folder (the instructions are on the documentation page) and the file is deliberately made less complex to allow easy editing, usually by cut and pasting the bits to where you want them, or removing bits, and the add HTML classes and id’s and other HTML structure so that the page matches what you see on a normal page in your theme.

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