Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search Form disappearing


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  • Anonymous

    Hello I just purchased you Search & Filter Pro and have it installed on WordPress 4.7.5. The version I have installed is 2.3.4

    My problem is this, I have created a search for pointed to custom taxonomies within Posts. I am able to do an initial search without any issues. However, if I adjust the search parameters the updated results are loaded but search form disappears.

    Here is a link to the page in question:
    This is being pulled using the search.php file. I have attempted to customize the archive.php as well as category.php but none of them seem to be working.

    I have attempted to use a sidebar widget for your form as well as the shortcode and the issue continues to happen.

    You will also notice that I have a google map being pulled in for each listing item. This is being done through ACF.

    Please let me know what can be done.



    This happens when the search form performs an Ajax update of the results. What happens if you disable the Ajax feature temporarily? If it then works, re-enable the Ajax and check the Ajax Results Container. By default it is set to #main, but your theme seems to use #buildings-content instead, so try changing that setting.


    Thank you for the quick response. Disabling the Ajax settings allowed the search to stay with no problems. I re-enabled this feature and changed the Ajax Container to the #buildings-content. After that the form was staying put but the Google Map on my listings were disappearing after adjustments to the first search.
    I went through and changed quite a few options. Eventually found that if I keep the Only use Ajax on the resulte page option unchecked the search form stays put and the Google Maps stay put as well.

    Is it a problem if I keep this option disabled?

    Thanks for the quick help!


    If that works, then use it.

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