Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search form customize styling

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  • Trevor

    Did it fix it? Did you remove that one block of code to leave you with this:

    .sandf-horizontal .searchandfilter > ul {
      margin: 0 auto;
      display: table;
    .sandf-vertical .searchandfilter > ul {
      margin-left: 0;
    .sandf-vertical .searchandfilter > ul > li label,
    .sandf-vertical .searchandfilter > ul > li input,
    .sandf-vertical .searchandfilter > ul > li label select {
      width: 100%;
    .sandf-horizontal .searchandfilter > ul > li label,
    .sandf-horizontal .searchandfilter > ul > li input,
    .sandf-horizontal .searchandfilter > ul > li label select {
      min-width: 225px;
    .searchandfilter > ul > li label,
    .searchandfilter > ul > li input,
    .searchandfilter > ul > li label select {
      color: #000;
      border-color: #000 !important;
    .searchandfilter > ul > li.sf-field-submit input {
      background: #e84c3d;
      color: #fff;
    blue-form-bg .searchandfilter > ul > li label {
      background-color: blue;
    beige-form-bg .searchandfilter > ul > li label {
      background-color: #f5f5dc;
    .searchandfilter > ul > li input,
    .searchandfilter > ul > li label select {
      background-color: #fff;
    .sandf-horizontal .searchandfilter > ul > li {
      display: inline-block;
      vertical-align: top;
      padding-left: 20px;

    Work! Thank you.


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.



Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)