Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search form and filters do not reset when pressing the 'back' button


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  • Anonymous

    I noticed that if I select certain checkboxes or type in a search phrase, then click thru to a new page and then come back with the ‘Back’ button on my browser, what I entered is still there. This is a problem for my users since I would like them to have the form and filters that reset, and not show what they were previously searching for. Is this possible to do?

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ah. You have the free version? That, at its core, is very different from the Pro version. The Pro version, in this instance, has boolean operators AND or OR to select from, to meet the need you express.

    Also, as some advice, DO make use of plugins like CPT UI and ACF to keep data separated in to searchable data sets (making Custom Post Types, Custom taxonomies and Custom Fields). Our Pro version supports all of this.

    Where you might find yourself having Categories as Parent -> Child lists, that should be avoided if possible.

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