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Forums Forums General search-filter-scroll-loading icon positionning in infinite scroll?

  • This topic has 23 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 24 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    So, I had to experiment a bit. By way of an explanation for others, in the browser inspector, I manually added this HTML inside the body tag, at the end of the page:

    <div class="search-filter-scroll-loading"></div>

    This is what our javascript does when the infinite scroll is loading. Then it was a case of finding the CSS, which I had already shown was this:

    .search-filter-scroll-loading {
        display: block;
        margin: 20px 10px 10px;
        height: 30px;
        width: 30px;
        animation: search-filter-loader-rotate .7s infinite linear;
        border: 5px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15);
            border-right-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
        border-right-color: rgba(0,0,0,.6);
        border-radius: 50%;

    Then I had to find a way to move the icon. Making it position: absolute; means that it will always appear towards the top of the page, and so out of view when the page has been scrolled down. Making it position: relative is OK, but I do not know where exactly on the page our javascript places it. So, the extra CSS might be:

    .search-filter-scroll-loading {
      z-index: 99999999;
      left: 50%;
      top: 100%;
      position: relative;

    This puts it in the middle of the page horizontally, but you will have to play with these numbers (left and top).


    I added the css code but nothing happens!!!

    the loader is not appearing…


    Trevor Moderator

    It is very difficult for me to do this for you, because:

    1. The site is live (yes?) and I cannot experiment on live sites. I will only work on a site that is a copy, for safety. If I break anything, there is no pain or loss.
    2. The CSS is minified/combined.

    Is it possible for you to copy the site to a staging site, switch off all caching, minification, asset combining and CDN, and let me know where you entered this custom CSS?


    Hello, impossible for me to do that, I do not have the time.

    I put the css code into the style.css of my child theme (like all my own styles)

    I put the !important; on each lines but nothing changes…

    Could you please tell me where is located the css in the core files?


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Trevor, could you please see with Ross if he has a solution?

    I cannot stay like that with the loader not displaying…

    You can give me some advice to see, I can investigate from myself into the code.

    Thanks for your help,


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi Sebastian

    I had a look..

    Ok so a couple of things…

    I can see the loader here for example (just below your products, in your footer on the grey):

    But of course this is not sitting right. One thing I noticed in fact, was that the all your products are part of a list <li>, however our loader is attached as a <div>

    So this will not work :/ Our loader was only supposed to basic / quick to setup, so for now I won’t add support for li, but we do have an alternative:

    Make your own loader using our JS events –

    In this case you can disable our loader, and create your own, somewhere on the page (you can even use our class .search-filter-scroll-loading to get the animated icon, but you will have to manually show / hide the loader yourself and integrate with your markup.

    Something like:

    (function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	//detects the start of an ajax request being made
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxstart", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    	  console.log("ajax start");
    	  //show your loader
    	//detects when the ajax request has finished and the content has been updated
    	// - add scripts that apply to your results here
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		console.log("ajax complete");
    		//hide your loader

    (I’m assuming you know some jQuery to follow the above)

    Let me know if all makes sense 🙂



    Hi Ross,

    Thanks for your help,

    However, if I use the ajax method it is good but it also shows the loader when the search is loading and I don’t want.

    It is bad that you cannot integrate the loader into the <li> as it seems that all the woocommerce products are into <li>

    DO you have another alternative?



    Hi again,

    I think that the loader should be integrated into the <li> because it should load at the same time the products load.

    At the moment, if I scroll down the products, the loader stay at the top and goes over the screen, normally if I scroll down the loader should follow me and display still at the bottom, right?

    Thanks for your help,

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