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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search & Filter Pro with GD Rating System Pro

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  • Art Munson

    Hi Trevor,

    I’m probably reaching for this one but…

    Are you familiar with the plugin GD Rating System Pro?

    I’m trying to figure out how to integrate the ability to search the ratings using Search & Filter Pro. I had to insert the following to filter by post ID limiting to specific categories.

    Insert into post-single.php right before

    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if (in_category(array(25, 3, 161, 132, 41, 136, 26, 177, 133, 176, 243, 85, 134))) {
        gdrts_posts_render_rating(array('echo' => true));
    } ?>

    I’m probably asking too much of your plugin but thought I would ask.

    Thank you for any help.


    Art Munson

    BTW, the there would be about 500 Post IDs to search.

    Trevor Moderator

    Curiously, you are not the first to ask:

    That might help, as that plugin stores its data in custom tables, but can be asked to store it in the post_meta table, which means we can search and filter it.

    Art Munson

    Thanks Trevor, will check it out.

    Art Munson

    Yep, that worked. In case anyone wants to know you must enable Sync Meta first before running and it will show up as _gdrts in post meta.

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