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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SEARCH & FILTER PRO STYLE

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Robert Cox

    Hi, i would like to create a filter menu like the one seen on

    My shop page is, and i would like to use white background with black text and borders.

    In addition, the search and filter pro form is appearing during checkout process and in the cart, effectively its appearing in all WooCommerce pages, however i would like to display it on product catalog pages only.

    Look forward to reply

    Trevor Moderator

    I will take the second question first. I assume that the form is added in the Appearance -> Widgets page, in to a WooCommerce sidebar widget area?

    You need to use a widget control/options/logic plugin to restrict which pages the form appears on, such as this on:

    There many other like this. They would use conditional tags, such as described here:

    The styling on the other form is quite extensive and custom. This would be outside the scope of our support, sorry. You would need to hire a third party coder to help you with this.

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