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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search Filter PRO categories missing on translated form WPML

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  • Tomasz


    I’ve translated Search Filtre PRO form to another language using WPML, but then I can only see the Categories from newly created language. I’ve got two homepages in different languages. I needed to duplicate the Search Filter PRO form to add another URL for the results to display. But when I did that I can’t have same Categories for both (on english page I can only have english categories, where are 0 post). Is there anything I can do with this?

    Kind regards,

    Trevor Moderator

    Are the posts translated and the categories?


    Hi Trevor, thanks for your quick response (as always:)

    No, although the categories are translated, the thing is that I would like to filter through the same posts in both languages (not translated).

    Trevor Moderator

    I am not sure that is how WPML is intended to work. Our plugin takes its cue/data from what WPML is doing. WPML will create two distinct sets of posts and taxonomy terms, one set for each language. Whilst they are obviously linked for translation purposes, they are not for searching purposes.

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