Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search & Filter – Elementor Extension

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  • Anonymous

    Is it true that you need to use Elementor Pro if you want to use “Search & Filter – Elementor Extension”?

    I now use the basic version


    I believe so, yes. The basic Elementor does not have a Post Grid, but I know there are free addon plugins give you something like that, but unless they use the same code as Elementor does in their Pro version Posts widget, the free third party widget is unlikely to work with our plugin. Having said that, you might still get it to work if you set the Form to Custom method (with Ajax off to test), and, in the text tab of a Text widget, place this type of shortcode:

    [searchandfilter id="1234" action="filter_next_query"]

    And make sure that the Text widget is immediately before any third party post grid widget.


    Thanks for the info
    I’m going to test tomorrow


    OK, I will wait to hear back from you.


    Good morning Trevor,

    I have now purchased Elementor Pro
    So I’m going to test / configure again


    As before, I will wait to hear from you. One really good plugin to use if you do not have it, is Ele Custom Skins. It has a free and Pro version. It adds a Custom option to the skins in the Posts widget (the normal choice is Just Classic or Cards) and the good news is that it works with our plugin this way.

    I like that the Text widget allows you to place things like custom fields in the layout.


    Still need help
    I have created fields with Advanced Custom Fields
    With CPT UI I made a post with this option

    But if I go to the homepage and click on Pruse, the Zortrax will still appear


    I am not sure what you mean when you say:

    click on Pruse, the Zortrax will still appear

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?


    You can reach it now

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