Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search fileter pro – double issue

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  • Trevor

    The Search & Filter Pro Text Search field uses the standard WordPress search, so looks only in the Post Title and Content, and that uses approximate matching. To help you control this better, on the form’s Advanced settings tab you will see 2 settings for Relevanssi.

    This is our guide for installing Relevanssi:

    In its settings you can set the text phrase to exact match.


    Hi Trevor,

    We have installed Relevanssi plugin but it doesn’t help.

    I belive that isn’t a problem in this case.

    We have 2 versions of this site, one is serbian and other one is english.

    When someone types “s32d40”:

    By serbian version, we are getting this result:

    By english version, the result is normal, we are getting exact product:


    So, without Relevanssi, you only get one result? If you get more than one result, then Relevanssi has helped, but is not the total solution.

    What translation plugin are you using?

    For example, with WPML, this applies:

    Also, our plugin and the forms need to be set correctly. Do the other field searches work OK, only the text box doesn’t?


    Hi Trevor,

    We are using WPML and configuration is set like on the link that you have sent but still, it doesn’t work correctly.

    Forms are set correctly.

    We have serbian and english version website.

    Serbian version is primary.

    English version is secondary and we don’t have this problem with search on english version.

    Here is the link of website, so you can check how it works:

    Type “s32d40” in search bar on serbian version, you will get “stella led s32d40” and “stella led s32d70”.

    Type “s32d40” in search bar on english version, you will get “stella led s32d40” and that should be the result also on serbian version.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Trevor,
    It works now good.
    Thank you.


    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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