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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search completely not working in Pro

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  • A Name Already In Use

    I have the Genesis theme and am using Search Pro. I configure a search to use Search/Category and it returns all posts by newest date results and ignores category completely. I remove the category and just try search and get the same thing, the search phrase is ignored.

    I’ve disabled all plugins with the same results and the functions.php of the genesis theme is fairly generic with nothing about search.

    I’m using shortcode for search/results and have configured the search/results pages and have tried with and without ajax and is_search.

    I was attempting to exclude some categories but have tried without that and still the search does not work.

    Website search:

    This is a key part of the website so I need it working quickly. Any idea of what to try next?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    Does this page: have your results shortcode on it?


    [searchandfilter id="x" show="results"]


    A Name Already In Use

    Yes, that is the page. I found it actually. It looks like the Page Attributes Template was set to Blog. I set the Template option to Default Template and it is working terrific. **Can you please remove the link to my URL above? I do not want it to p/u in Google results please**.

    I have a few other kinks but that seems to have done the trick with this issue. Good luck on the new version, you’ve got a great product and I’m looking forward to continuing to use your company for this and other plugins.


    Ross Moderator


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