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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search cache not updating after WP All Import

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  • Graeme Boyes


    This I have the following code in functions.php

    //Rebuild search and filter pro cache after wp all import 
    add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'wpai_post_saved', 10, 1);
    function wpai_post_saved($id) {
        do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $id);
    //Reindex relvanssi after wp all import
    add_action('pmxi_after_xml_import', 'after_xml_import', 10, 1);
    function after_xml_import($import_id) {

    WP All Import runs on a cron job, and so every day we are having to rebuild the cache manually.

    What are we doing wrong


    Trevor Moderator

    The only other time I have been asked this question is in this thread, if it is of any help to you:

    Graeme Boyes
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    Graeme Boyes
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    Graeme Boyes

    So the action pmxi_saved_post is where search_filter_update_post_cache is called, which from the log appears to be after the taxonomies are imported. However, looking at the terminologies used in the log, WP_All_Import saves posts and imports taxonomies.

    Tomorrow I will see whether running search_filter_update_post_cache on the pmxi_after_post_import hook makes any difference.

    In the meantime, is there anything else you could suggest please?

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you think it possible that the save process is getting truncated, at or around where the taxonomy data is not being saved?

    I wonder is WP does not have enough memory allocated (so, NOT a PHP issue but related to the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT varible (our System Status page should show this, I hope)?

    Or maybe PHP Max Input Vars is too low (default is 1000, but I usually have it a lot higher).

    Or maybe the SQL query to save is being truncated (some hosts do that, such as WP Engine)?

    Graeme Boyes

    Thank you – I think they are all things we’ll need to take a look at.

    Also, we are using acf, and the wpai-acf-add-on plugin. I’ve just run the import on my local machine, where I have better debugging, and I can see that the following error is thrown, twice, at the start of the log:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/engage-education-wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wpai-acf-add-on/libraries/acf-fields/fields/fieldTaxonomy.php on line 59

    I can see that relates to $taxonomies_hierarchy = json_decode($xpath[‘value’]);

    A var_dump of $xpath reveals it to be array(2) { [“value”]=> string(0) “” [“delim”]=> string(1) “,” }

    Does this point to maybe something being wrong with how the fields are being mapped in our set up?

    Trevor Moderator

    Could be. I guess the import would fail without that plugin?

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