Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search by Post ID

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  • Anonymous


    firstly I’d love to thank you for the awesome plugin.

    However, I have a little question.

    Does the plugin support something like searching by Post ID?

    I need an input where you put the Post ID so you’re able to search the specific post.

    Is this possible without programming abilities?

    Thank you very much.


    I am not sure if this was resolved, but it has been asked before:



    Hello Trevor,

    I followed your instructions and it really works! You helped me a lot. Thank you for that.

    However, I’m able to search Post IDs which are at least of 3 digits. It took me some time to figure out this.

    Don’t you know where the problem is?

    Thank you again !


    Ah, of course. Didn’t think of that. Most search engines ignore two character ‘words’. It will only happen once in a WordPress system, as the ID numbers are all sequential and once used cannot be re-used.

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