Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search and filter only in title

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous


    i use the your search combined with Relevanssi but again the searching is not so accurate even i choose the weight only in post titles. Any suggestion or solution;




    Are you able to give me a url for the page with the search on, and what term should use to test?

    How many results should it give?

    Aside from Content and Titles, are you searching anything else? (Categories, Tags, Custom Fields etc)


    hi the site is

    you can run a search general or better try by category (choose ΔΟΚΙΜΕΣ) with the key word citroen.

    my problem is that i want from each category to give results only the posts with titles that have the keyword

    for now i have choose “searh and filter” only searching in posts and pages

    the revelacci is


    Element Weight Default weight
    Post titles 5
    Comment text 0
    Tag weight: 0
    Category weight: 0


    I see what you are trying to do. You need to switch Relevanssi totally off in searching content, so it works ONLY in titles. You will need to edit your child theme functions.php file and add this code:

    add_filter('relevanssi_index_content', 'contentoff');
    function contentoff() {
        return false;

    Thanks a lot for your quick response!

    And a last one: if I want to search ONLY in the post title + tags?


    In Relevanssi, set it to index tags but not categories. The code I gave you only switches off the main content, so anything else is still possible. Make sure you try it before asking me to close the thread?


    Thanks again I will test that in evening because I’m OOO and I will inform u.


    ok with those settings the results are more accurate, thanks a lot! u can close the thread…


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