Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search and filter not applying in Post Grid

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  • Trevor

    Oh, to answer your other question, the template Ross used in the demo is specific to the theme he used (TwentySeventeen).


    Thanks Trevor, we’re trying every option at the minute to try and get this working. I’ve managed to put S&F in the sidebar on our archives page and it’s sorting the posts fine. I can only put our issues down to Post Grid compatibility.


    Thanks for your help Trevor. Our solution to the Post Grid issue was to not use Post Grid!

    We set up our form to use a post-archive. On that page (blog page) just added the S&F widget to the sidebar. I disabled ajax loading and just relied on the archive page to do the loading.

    The tip for using taxonomies instead of all tag fields def helped as I tried our old form (just tags) and it didnt work.

    Thanks again, much appreciated!


    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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