Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search and filter not applying in Post Grid

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  • Anonymous


    We’ve created a search form consisting of an input box and several dropdowns (using tag option in the form creator and including/exluding tags).
    It’s being displayed on a page using a shortcode. We’re displaying the results on the same page using Post Grid.

    Everything displays correctly on the page. If you enter text or select an option the results dont filter. Tha ajax appears to be thinking about it but nothing happens. See the page in question.

    We’re using Pro editor in WP and using a Raw content box to display the shortcodes:
    [searchandfilter id=”1172″] for the form
    [searchandfilter id=”1172″ action=”filter_next_query”] [post_grid id=”2708″] for the results.

    If you select an option from the dropdown it populates all the fields with the option you selected.
    Have we built the form incorrectly? Is S&F not communicating to the Post Grid?
    We’ve followed the steps in the documentation, watched videos and are stuck!!

    Thanks in advance


    For me the form Ajax seems to be working fine.

    However, you cannot have more than one use of posts ‘Tag’ in the form. Instead you must have multiple (different) custom taxonomies. One each (maybe with shortnames for the taxonomy name slugs) would be best of:

    Publication Type
    Form of Co-operation
    Co-operation Context
    Recipient Region

    This post explains how to achieve this:


    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for the reply. I agree with you that the ajax is working. I’ve tried a form with categories and the tags update accordingly, so happy that the form is functioning. I’ve currently switched it to display results [searchandfilter id=”1172″ show=”results”] and it works fine.

    I’ve got a test form set up using just one tag option dropdown with a custom display pointing at this URL to this Post Grid container: #post-grid-2737
    I’ve followed the steps in the documentation for using Post Grid but S&F just doesnt seem to communicate with Post Grid. The ajax finds the post grid container ok but that’s it.

    Do I have to do anything with this? “Manually add S&F to an existing query and then simply supply the URL where this can be located.” If so where do I add this query? (noobie question)

    thanks in advance

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    If you have a text search, and the term is not found, it will not update the results.

    Can you suggest a tag search for me to do, and let me know know how many results there should be? (hopefully a search term with only a few posts)


    I’ve tried searching on one of the post titles below the form for eg: Foreign Aid. Sometimes it returns that post to the top and sometimes not. If you use any one of the filters, the ajax updates the posts and shuffles them, but not return the search results themselves.

    I can see the form building the query in the URL but it seems to be the relationship between S&F and Post Grid. If I were to set S&F to display using a shortcode and exclude Post Grid the form works fine. Obviously the results are a bog standard layout and not a fancy grid but you are able to search, filter and return just one relevant post.

    In the instruction video where Ross “the creator” makes a video catalogue demo, he uses a custom template where I assume he places the form in the sidebar using a widget but what does he use on the rest of the page?

    Is there a way of us duplicating a page template and doing the same thing as Ross?

    thanks again for your help.

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