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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search and Build throught 8800 posts


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • David Hawkins

    Hello, I am currently having trouble making my search functions work properly, currently, it doesn’t build the cache anymore as there is close to 500,000 keywords.

    I am wondering if I should continue using this?

    Trevor Moderator

    What do you mean by keywords? Search & Filter should be able to cope with that many posts (I have seen it used on sites with way more than that without issue), but heavy use of multiple taxonomies, custom fields etc might complicate it.

    The key factor will be the available resources on your server.

    David Hawkins

    There’s approximately 52 custom fields per posts.

    The rebuild cache is not working anymore, i’m guessing my server is blocking the process..

    I have reinstalled an old version that I was testing and it’s working fine ( 1.4.3 )

    Is there any reason of that?

    Trevor Moderator

    Which hosting company are you using?

    As to the differences, the caching algorithms will be different, but they should be faster now.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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