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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Scrollbars missing in combobox on iPad

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  • Gordon McAlpin

    On iOS, when you have more options than the height of the option panel in a combobox, there doesn’t appear to be any way to scroll down to see the others.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gordon

    We use the chosen JS comboboxes:

    Can you tell me if you get the same issue on their demos?


    Gordon McAlpin

    The same issues appear in the Chosen demos, yes, in both Chrome and Safari.

    I just noticed this, as well, which I have a feeling is related, because on iPhone the comboboxes also default to saying “0 items” — in Search and Filter Pro and in the Chosen demo — rather than the correct default text. This might be because on the iPhone the appearance box is overridden and displayed as an iOS picker?

    But what’s different is that on iPhone — but not iPad or desktop — when I use a combobox, it very quickly automatically selects whatever option it’s on. Usually this is the top choice, but you have a split-second where you can slide it down and it will “choose” something else for you. Either way, it’s not very usable. (I have the auto-submit form checkbox selected in Search and Filter Pro’s settings).

    Since it’s probably Chosen.JS’s fault, I suppose you probably can’t fix it (easily, at least), but I absolutely love the comboboxes on my desktop site! Could Search & Filter Pro add a setting so that you use comboboxes on desktops and standard dropdowns on mobile (or is there a way to do this with CSS)?

    Gordon McAlpin

    Sorry for the double-post.

    It appears the “0 items” text appears on iPad, too, if you use a NON-combobox multi-select.

    Ross Moderator

    Do you have a link?

    I’ll take a look on the ipad as I temporarily have one in my possession.


    Gordon McAlpin
    Ross Moderator

    Ok this is a really horrible bug – I didn’t realise this wasn’t an isolated issue – I’m surprised the guys at chosen haven’t fixed it sooner.

    I’ve been meaning for a while now to see if its worth upgrading to select2 – and it seems this is the final nail in the coffin –

    Let me have a think on this, perhaps I can provide an option of which js library to use – forcing everyone to move over would be a pain.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gordon

    I know this is pretty old now but just to let you know we have officially included select2 in the latest 2.2.0 release 🙂


    Gordon McAlpin

    That’s awesome! I will update my site and see how it goes when I have some time. It could be a while, but… well, you know. Life happens. (It was my MFA thesis project, which is now finished, but I’d like to keep the site up to date and working when I can.)

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