Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Same issue as closed thread – Elementor Pro – WooCommerce – Ele Custom Skin

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  • Anonymous

    I am having the same issue as this closed thread:

    No combination seems to work of Ele custom skin – Elementor and WooCommerce.

    So the setup is ele custom skin is used to make a loop template – product archive uses Elementor Pro post widget set to current query. If I use the free search and replace plugin this kinda works OK.

    Most times I get a 502


    Update –

    I have got this working now… Took a fair while but it works with Shortcode type display and in ele custom skin you’ll need to select S&P as the source and define the category in the form builder


    Aaron, that method is not reliable.

    Are/were you using the additional extension plugin for Elementor, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file)?

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