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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results using overlay plugin

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  • Sally Newcomb

    I’m using a Dynamik (Genesis) child theme and am having a problem getting the S&F results to work well in an overlay or a normal widget.
    What I’d like is to be able to open the overlay and enter in a search term and it to show the categories and count for that search term, I have set things up to display the results with Ajax and yet it doesn’t seem to update until I click on a category or subcategory link and it doesn’t really work well for that either (sometime comes up with ‘No results’)

    I can send screenshots of settings or let you login to the dev site – what suits you best?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Sally Newcomb
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    Trevor Moderator


    I will need to speak with the developer, Ross, about modals and why the auto submit might not work in them. But, with the relevanssi settings off (as you had not installed relevanssi) and Maintain Search Form State off, the form does now work AFAIK.

    Sally Newcomb
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I think the submit button is actually locked when it is auto submitting. It gains an extra class I think, so if you watch it in the inspector window whilst you use the form, you should see the class name, and can then add css to suit, but I do not know how to add the hourglass or similar.

    A faster server is probably the only way to speed things up. I did notice that yours was quite slow. This afternoon I spoke to another user who wanted more speed. He was hosted with Heart Internet (owned by GoDaddy) and on my suggestion he moved over to Cloudways (not such an easy thing to do, especially as they do not include a mail client) and he has astounded at the speed difference.

    I am not sure what you mean by increasing the height of the results box? Do you mean the form controls? If so the browser does this normally.

    Sally Newcomb
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Guy, what do you need from me at this time, or should I wait for you to get back to me?

    Sally Newcomb
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Can you tell me how to add an hourglass or something to indicate that the search is searching?

    This has been asked before and I am not sure it is easily done. I assume you mean when an Ajax search is done, as a normal search the page reloads and that is obvious.

    So, with regard to the Ajax search results display method, if you inspect the search form and leave the inspector open, you will see the form element gains the search-filter-disabled class whilst ajax is doing its stuff. You can use this class to add custom css (which could include a ‘loading’ gif) to better show that searching is going on.

    the search results form is too wide and sits under the adverts

    This is because one of the dropdown options is very long and so the control expends as far as it can to accommodate that length. You would need to add some Custom CSS to add a maximum width to that control.

    How do I get infinite scroll to work, is that by using a results page?

    Assuming you have v2.3.0 of the plugin, the documentation here explains.

    We would like to be able to narrow down results as per the events search – did you hear back from Ross about this?

    Could you elaborate?

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