Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results stopping on the 3 batch of items loading in

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  • Anonymous

    Hello again Ross or Trevor,

    I have a super odd one which I’ve never had before, basically I have set the page to show 3 items per load in on infinite scroll, but it sadly stops on the third load for some reason.

    If I change the amount to say 9 per load, then all the items are there and ready and are showing fine (as I initially thought maybe there’s something odd with the content so they are just not coming in at all, but sadly not.

    Do you know at all why that would be happening? I’ve used infinite scroll on all the other searches on the site and all them work just fine. I also can’t see any php errors at all in the logs, etc. or anything in the console to suggest an issue.

    Do you know at all what may cause this, I will pop over logins in a separate private reply, thanks ever so much,


    Hi Ross and Trevor,

    I tried to add the logins via a private reply last night but it wouldn’t let me, saying it had already been submitted, so while I can’t see that, can you let me know you got it ok just so you are able to access the site :).

    Many thanks,

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    Ross Moderator
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    Hi Ross,

    Ahh thanks ever so much for this, yes I did think something must have been a bit weird, to be fair by the end of it I probably was a total spammer as I sent it a few times haha!

    I hope you can see something as I just can’t make sense of it, and all my other filters work lovely as normal…

    Thank you for your help as always,

    Ross Moderator

    Haha yeah I saw a few and deleted them.

    So, regarding the issue, I can’t see anything unusual from my side (in terms of your setup).

    Things I would try:

    1) use the default results.php and normal pagination – check if it works?
    2) if it does work, try our infinite scroll template and check again…

    From there we will know if its a template issue or something bigger.

    I would also try with 3 results on your other search forms, to see if they load all their results fine too.

    Let me know when you’ve tested that and what the results are, I’ll then dive in further if necessary.


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    Ross Moderator
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