Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results reinitialized between each search

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
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  • Anonymous

    I’m using Search And Filtering Pro 2.0.3 on a WooCommerce website.
    I’m using “WooCommerce Shop” as “Display results method”.
    It works fine the first time I use the widget, but if I use the search a second time, then entire page is reinitialized. If I try to use the search again, it works fine the first time one again, but not the second time. And so on and so on…
    Any idea of what is happening?


    Ross Moderator

    I’m guessing this is with Ajax enabled?

    It sounds like your results container (set in the display results tab) is too broad, and also reloading the whole search form itself.

    You should use a different selector which contains only the results to reload rather than a large area.

    I think on WooCommerce actually its best to set this to #main if my memory serves me, but this might not be correct for all setups.



    Thank you Ross, that was exactly the problem ! #main didn’t work for me though.
    Everything is working fine now.
    Thanks again,


    Hi, I have the same problem with the difference that I’m not using ajax. The filter made from the home page works fine but, when I try to do another filter from another page, returns all products without any filtering. The result URL for the second filter show but not the rest of the filtering parameters. Unlike the first filtered that shows and retrieve the correct product. I’m using the same shortcode in all the pages so I do not find the problem. I don’t know if I’m doing something incorrect or something is happen with the URL in the second filtering.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Louise can you open a new ticket?


    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey there, I had a look, I think this bug is resolved in S&F 2.1, can you update the plugin?


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