Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results per page setting is not respected on first load

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  • Anonymous

    I’m using search form in front page using shortcode. Otherwise its ok, but ‘Results per page’ setting is not respected on first load. The search shows all result items instead of the set amount of them.

    When I set some filters on in form it works ok, but not at first without filters. Is there a known issue that can / will be fixed or how can I troubleshoot this?


    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

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    The template code used for the results is not standard (as per the exemplar results.php file). Does this still happen if instead you use the default results.php template file?

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    Ok, thanks. I will try to resolve that.

    Another anomaly I noticed is when I use the filters with mobile browser. Then after the first submit the Chosen.js enchantment is no longer present and it’s just the default html version of the form. Why is that so? Is this a known issue or something that my site causes?


    Instead of using chosen as the combobox script use the more modern Select2 script (it is in our plugin Settings page).


    Thank you, that helped.

    I still have one problem with the results sort order. The items are job postings and they have the hiring company as an ACF Post object field. Now, when I try to set the sort option by hiring company using meta value of that field, it is using the ID of the company post as a value, not the title or slug that I would need. Is there a way to achieve that?


    Actually I have still one. The client wants to keep the form compact so that the less important filter fields would be hidden initially. I have tried to solve it by adding a button with jquery after dom has loaded and set the filters after that hidden with css. Then I have a jquery toggle()-function with that button to show or hide those filters.

    It works ok at first page load, but after the filters have been used once, the button receives two clicks so the toggle() function triggers twice which nullifies the whole thing.

    So is the S&F doing something that causes this behavior and if so, is there a workaround for it?

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