Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results Pagination configuration

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hi Dan

    Ok so I managed to resolve the issue (I think!)

    Essentially, there was an issue in the plugins code, but in addition to that there is also an option in the admin that needs changing.

    So start with the version I’ve just emailed you.

    Once that is setup, I would advise to go into each search forms settings, and modify the pagination CSS selector.

    The issue you will find, before you make this change is that S&F applies the ajax pagination to all matched selectors, even for pagination belonging to other search forms (it can’t distinguish between the .pagination a selector for different forms.

    This means you must set the selector to be unique for each search form. An easy fix would be just to change the pagination selector to:

    #search-filter-results-123123 .pagination a

    Because we know the pagination is contained in the results area – which has its own unique ID.

    Replace 123123 of course with the relevant search form ID for each search form.

    Let me know if that works!



    Uploaded the new plugin files, and followed all instructions.

    This did, indeed, do the job. You’re the man, Ross. Thank you!

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