Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results Pagination configuration

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  • Anonymous

    Hey Ross,

    I’ve got the filter(s) setup properly on this page:

    I’m looking to display the “older/newer posts” pagination settings as page numbers, rather than just the option to move back one page or forward one page. I thought this was set using the sf_ hook, but it looks like that’s no longer the way to do it. Please advise! Thank you!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dan

    Yeah that was a brief moment I used to have custom pagination functions built in to S&F but opted to leave that out now in favor of using 3rd party which has many more options and benefits.

    You can use this plugin to achieve the same effect:



    Awesome recommendation, Ross. Works like a charm, generally, but upon clicking “2” or navigating to any other page, the original results don’t persist and the following page (results page 2, 3, etc) becomes a 404.

    Do I have to turn on a setting to maintain the URL structure?


    Sorry Ross. That’s on International Locations, specifically. And Canada, to be specific.

    Works like a charm in the US Locations column.


    After more digging… think I got it. Had to make results un-bookmarkable.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dan

    This should certainly be working – even with the bookmarkable option – if you want this to work happy to help you through it?

    If you are using a shortcode to display results, then its likely you didn’t fill in the Results URL under the Display Results Tab.



    I’ve got all settings configured. First column paginates well, from default. Second column doesn’t at all, unless you go into the dropdown, choose an option, load results, then go back to “All Countries” and paginate.

    Lemme know if you can take a look:

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dan

    Ah yes, multiple forms on the same page usually requires the bookmarkable option to be disabled.

    That being said, there were some bugs with search forms working together which I’ve just patched and released (2.0.3) so it might be worth updating and checking out – although I htink you were right, bookmarkable URLs will likely need to be disabled.



    Updated the plugin, removed bookmarkable option from each, and still no dice. When I hover over the pagination links in the first column, I see “?sf_paged=2” or “?sf_paged=3” and so on. In the second column (International), I don’t see the same “?sf_paged=2” or “?sf_paged=3” when I hover over the pagination links there.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dan

    I took another look, it does seem really strange behaviour.

    I’m going to do a clean install here, and get a test setup using multiple forms & pagination – maybe something has broken along the way.


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