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Viewing 5 posts - 11 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • Jayson Winters

    Hi Trevor

    I’ve gone through and completed the same steps as last time:

    Deactive plugin
    Delete from SFTP
    Add the unzipped folder you sent me
    Active plugin
    Rebuild cache

    Still not seeing ‘system status’. Still getting the same result unfortunately.

    Trevor Moderator

    Something isn’t right. You do not see this?

    System Status

    Jayson Winters

    No, sorry, I don’t.

    I’ve deactivated all plugins and switched to WP’s 2015 theme to check as well.

    However, I’ve just done a completely clean install and it does appear, so as you say, something’s not right – but it looks like something that isn’t just current theme and plugin conflict related.

    I think I’d better install my customer’s theme again and see if that causes the system status menu to disappear – and take it from there.

    Thanks for your help.

    Trevor Moderator

    Should I leave this thread open or close it? Either way, is it resolved as such?

    Jayson Winters

    I was going to come back to you when I had done more testing on the clean install.

    Please do go ahead and close this thread and mark it as resolved.

    I will start a new thread on the clean install issues I’m having

Viewing 5 posts - 11 through 15 (of 15 total)

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