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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results on showing wrong page

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  • Sjoerd Kempenaar


    first of all thank u for this nice plugin. but i have a problem:).
    when instal the plugin and make searchform and use as achrive in display options.
    the results are shown on a wrong page. i made a screen recording of this problem show u can see whats happening. it has probably something to do with the loop but im not that good with php yet to fully understand what is happening. usiing a different display option does not work. it only reloads the page. The problem is not active when i use the free search and filter plugin.

    problem video:

    screenshot settings:

    Trevor Moderator

    You want the results to stay on the same page as the search, and is that search box on every page of the site?

    Sjoerd Kempenaar

    Hi Trevor,

    thx for your quick reply. great support forum!.

    yes thats about it. after using the search filter te results are shown on the (blog page). when i use

    the free plugin the filter: form selecting supject (onderwerp taxonomy) God (this is Oke!)
    makes link:

    i activated the pro plugin on this page on the sidebar (preken zoeken). so you can see whats happening.


    Trevor Moderator


    It might be the choice of index.php as the template. Looking at the page with the search on shows these tags in the body hHTML tag:


    Do any of these look like one of the theme’s template file names?

    If you do not know what the theme’s template actual file names are, then under Appearance – > Editor, you can see the file names on the right of the page (normally).

    Sjoerd Kempenaar
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    It isn’t that file. The full page template you need to find will have calls to get_header() and get_footer()

    You may need to send me admin logins so I can take a look (use a private reply).

    Sjoerd Kempenaar
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Sjoerd Kempenaar

    hmm the filter doesn’t work probably with my taxonomies. i see now that it can only load 1 result not more pages. why is this plugin using a different structure then the free version?

    Sjoerd Kempenaar

    i deactivated the plugin and reactivated the free version. so the visitors have a filter. Any idea whats the problem?

    Trevor Moderator

    Ross has said he will add a post here and take a quick look, so I will ping this to him and take it back after.

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