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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results on same page – wordpress salient

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  • Kim


    I’m trying to add 3 filters to a page with posts. When users select a different option the result should be filtered on the same page. How can I do this? I’m using a salient WP theme.




    ok think I found it, now looking into customizing the search results form..

    Trevor Moderator

    OK, let me know if you need further help? We do not have a specific integration for Salient, so some display results methods might not wok with it.


    Hi Trevor,

    Well it needs to look like a basic portfolio. So 3-4 items a row. Every item consist of an image, categories, title and excerpt. All results need to be viewable at the beginning and no text about search results. Could you help me out please? Much appreciated.


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Trevor,

    Well it works with the sourcecode but I don’t know how to customize the results form.



    Shortcode I meant*

    Trevor Moderator

    Is it the form you need to customise, or the Salient archive appearance?


    Will the lay-out plugin work with the Shortcode result?



    It’s the result form I would like to customise. So my situation is this. I have an organization that wants to show several projects but they need to be filtered by category, status and type. Users need to be able to filter the grid of items by using the filters.


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