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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results of Search & Filter Pro in Marketify

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  • Stephane Chartrand

    Hi! I’ve talk to someone at Astoundify for the marketify template. And he tell me that: “The theme will load the grid results if you pass ?post_type=download via the URL. If you look in search.php you can see how it decides which template to load.” But I don’t know how to configure it. This is the search.php:

    * The template for displaying Search Results pages.
    * @package Marketify

    $post_type = get_query_var( ‘post_type’ );

    if ( ‘download’ == $post_type )
    locate_template( array( ‘archive-download.php’ ), true );
    locate_template( array( ‘index.php’ ), true );

    Can you help with that?

    Thank you

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stephane so it looks like this part:

    if ( ‘download’ == $post_type )
    locate_template( array( ‘archive-download.php’ ), true );
    locate_template( array( ‘index.php’ ), true );

    is the part you want to change… I would remove the above leaving just this line:

    locate_template( array( ‘archive-download.php’ ), true );

    So from your code above it would look like:

    * The template for displaying Search Results pages.
    * @package Marketify
    $post_type = get_query_var( ‘post_type’ );
    locate_template( array( ‘archive-download.php’ ), true );

    This means it will always load archive-download.php which I think has the layout you want..!

    (can I set your post to public so Mike can read it? Doesn’t seem to be anything sensitive in there :))

    Stephane Chartrand

    The problem with this is: I get the layout BUT the search Query is not good. It give me all my downloads and it suppose to be only 2 for that query. So, the layout is correct but it don’t search correctly. Do you have any idea why????

    And yes you can it Public for Mike!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stephane

    Haha, now I think we’re kind of going round in circles – the template is now being loaded, BUT, I think there is a custom query somewhere in there that is being used – which overwrites the search query, maybe you could ask the theme developers where to remove the query so that the template uses results created by the default WP Loop (


    Stephane Chartrand

    That was the answer from Astoundify: The template that is loaded uses the [downloads] shortcode provided by Easy Digital Downloads which creates its own loop. Marketify detects if a search is being performed and filters their custom loop/query. I would imagine a similar thing would need to be done via the Search & Filter plugin.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Stephane

    If you check back all the way to the beginning of this thread you will notice that I mentioned that the custom query looks hidden behind a shortcode – and that S&F cannot work with templates this way – S&F cannot use a template that has another query inside it, because the query inside overwrites the search results that you would normally find.

    This means you either have to:

    a) modify your template/theme and remove the query for the search results page – but it looks like this is tricky with your theme.

    b) display the results using the shortcode option under “display results” – however this will not get the style from your theme automatically – it will require someone with html/css knowledge to customise and use your existing layout.

    I will take a look in to this though to see if its a query I could get S&F to hook into.


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