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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results of Search & Filter Pro in Marketify

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  • Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Stephane Chartrand
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Did this get resolved? Having pretty much the same exact issue at this point

    Stephane Chartrand

    No! It doesn’t work!


    Yikes. Did you find another solution? Perhaps another Theme that works ok?

    Stephane Chartrand

    Maybe but I didn’t find any solution.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi both

    If you are using Marketify, you must be able to create a regular WordPress template that doesn’t use their own custom query – and uses the default WP_Query – the code is nested somewhere in all the template includes…

    Alternatively, for users whos themes do not play nice with some WordPress standards, or users who are unable to make the necessary modifications – you can display the results using the shortcode method – but this means you must be able to make the necessary style modifications for integration with your theme:

    Mike, pasting in a response here (modified) from earlier in the thread which was hidden, in case you are comfortable modifying your templates –

    Its in this line which generates the grid layout that you want…

    The plugin won’t work automatically with that layout – its not a regular template and hidden behind a shortcode – its absolutely impossible for any plugin to use this specific layout automatically – its a deeply nested, non WP standards way of displaying a layout.



    Thank you Ross!

    I will try to set some time aside to try out what you described.

    Would you happen to know of a decent WordPress Theme that doesnt require such tinkering to get to work with your product? Preferably one that works with Easy Digital Downloads as well?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike I’m afraid I don’t have any recommendations specifically for EDD themes – to be honest I’ve only ever used one and that was without S&F – I normally just use a theme that I like and modify it to integrate with EDD better…

    All themes should work with S&F using the shortcode method, but the layout is left to you to integrate (there is a default template, but its pretty basic) – or, one of my favourite themes to use is Avada – however it requires removing 1 line from the search template to work with S&F (pretty simple) – but these are not EDD specific I know..!


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