Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results of search – Change position orderBy


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  • Anonymous


    I’m using your plugin and I am really satisfied.

    Firstly, I want to know how can I appear the number of results when I use the sort order Field.

    Secondly, I want to change the position of Field Sort Order, below I have a URL with images that I’m explaining in detail


    We have received feature requests to allow the one form to be broken into parts to be placed (and styled) in different places (and differently styled) on the page.

    We have taken those requests on board for our forthcoming V3 (which we hope to release in late June/early July – but that may flex a little as we polish the code and UI). For example, you might have a form in WooCommerce that has a Search Box (text field), a Sort Order drop down, and then other fields (Product Categories, Product Tags, Variations, etc). You will be able to place the Search Box in the header, and the Sort Order above the products, and the rest of the form in the sidebar.

    But, that is not possible right now.

    As to the other question: I want to know how can I appear the number of results when I use the sort order Field.

    I am not sure what you mean. Do you want the number of results to appear next to the re-positioned sort by field? If that is what you want, Display Results Method are you using? Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?


    When a customer makes a sortation (e.g by price) I want to appear at the top of the archive, the number of results.

    I can give you a link, but the website is under construction, so you have to provide me your IP in order to exclude it from the system


    The method by which (or even ability) you display the number of results is determined in the first instance by the Display Results Method set in the form. Which method does your form use?


    Hello, I’m using “As an archive”.

    check the images below.


    Any Updates?

    Thank you in advance

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ah, I see, you would have to edit the archive template and add code LIKE this, but you need to know the name of the wp_query array variable, which might not be $query (it varies from theme to theme, many use $wp_query instead):

    <div>Found <?php echo $query->found_posts; ?> Results<br />
    Page <?php echo $query->query['paged']; ?> of <?php echo $query->max_num_pages; ?></div>

    How can I appear it in the search form, or which is the easiest way to appear the results?


    It cannot go in the form. As I said, it needs to go into the PHP template. Are you able to upload the PHP template file that you specified in the form settings it to a weshare and share the link with me?

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