Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results not working properly

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  • Anonymous

    I’m trying to get the results to load on the same page via Ajax. When I change a field to start the search, the current blog posts have a light effect and sort of pause, then goes back to the way it was with unchanged results.The only way I can get the search results to work at all is to have the page refresh.

    Thanks for your help!!! I really appreciate it.


    — General —
    Search in the following post types: Blog
    Results per page: 9
    Auto submit form?: checked
    Field relationships: AND
    Enable Auto Count: enabled.

    — Display Results —
    Display result method: As an archive (I’ve also tried the others, with no luck)
    Use a custom template for results?: checked
    Enter the filename of the custom template: archive.php
    Load results union Ajax?: checked
    Make searches bookmark able?: checked
    Only use Ajax on the results page?: unchecked
    Scroll window to: none
    Ajax Container: .elementor-posts-container
    Pagination Type: normal
    Pagination selector: .elementor-posts-container


    IF you have Elementor Pro, then we now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the archives and product archives widgets, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the archives and product archives widgets):

    Please read and follow the guide carefully.

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